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NISO Webinar, Strategic Management of the Research Process, May 11, 2022

In recent years, researchers across the spectrum have seen shifts in funding practices, in available tools and resources, in output types, and more. What are the new expectations and priorities of the institutions and laboratories these researchers are affiliated with? How are their needs changing? This webinar will consider what the larger changes to the research process — from grant application to measuring research impact — may mean for strategic planning across the different stakeholder organizations operating in the information ecosystem. Speakers include Brian Hitson, Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Energy; Michael F. Huerta, PhD, Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Associate Director for Strategy, National Library of Medicine, NIH; Greg Raschke, Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries, NC State University Libraries; and Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Director, Scholars and Scholarship, Association of Research Libraries.
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NISO Webinar

Helping people gain a greater understanding of the information community — our issues and concerns, challenges and opportunities — is core to NISO's mission. Our events are a key element of this, with our popular webinar program at their heart. And, following the NISO/NFAIS merger earlier this year, all NISO members can now attend all 14 webinars in 2020 completely free of charge! This includes an unlimited number of places and full access to a recording of each webinar for anyone who is unable to attend the event itself.
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Brian Hitson

Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Energy

Brian A. Hitson is Director of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), a DOE corporate function that is managed by the Office of Science.  OSTI fulfills agency-wide responsibilities to collect, preserve, and disseminate scientific and technical information emanating from DOE research and development (R&D) activities.

Prior to becoming Director, Brian led a range of OSTI's programmatic and administrative activities, including strategic planning, budget formulation and execution, information product development, and cost-reimbursable project management.  He has also managed OSTIs international information exchange programs, administrative and financial management, classified and sensitive information programs, and the digitization and preservation of a 1.2 million scientific document repository.

Brian co-authored the DOE Public Access Plan, developing a strategy for implementing public access to the scholarly publications resulting from DOEs R&D efforts, and, along with DOE, Office of Science, and OSTI colleagues, he led the launch of the DOE Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science, or DOE PAGES®.  He also formed partnerships with the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense in increasing public access to those agencies' R&D results.  As Director, he has led strategic efforts to improve discoverability and linkages between diverse, related research objects, including publications, datasets, and scientific software available at OSTI.GOV.  Brian played a key role in the development of and in the establishment of the WorldWideScience Alliance.  He represents DOE in interagency open science initiatives; serves as the U.S. representative to the IAEA's International Nuclear Information System (INIS); and chairs the technical activities committee of the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI).

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Cynthia Hudson Vitale

Director, Scholars and Scholarship, Association of Research Libraries

As a member of the ARL Scholarship and Policy team, Cynthia Hudson Vitale represents and advances the Association’s Scholars & Scholarship program with key partners, allies, and joint ventures to promote ARL’s broad mission of open, equitable scholarly communication, information stewardship, and publishing. She analyzes the global landscape of open science and open scholarship, and works with research, higher education, information technology, and government agencies on institutional and public policy issues that arise from new and emerging practices in research, teaching, and learning. Serving as a staff lead to the Scholars and Scholarship Committee, Cynthia advances research library engagement and representation in such critical areas as open science and digital scholarship policy and practice. Prior to joining ARL in January 2021, Cynthia served as the head of Research Informatics and Publishing at the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, where she led a team focused on enhancing the technology-driven research and publishing capacity of faculty and students. In this role, she built and enhanced library collaborations and services in the areas of data science, digital humanities, research data management and curation, open-access publishing, and maps & geographic information systems (GIS). Before working with Penn State Libraries, Cynthia spent a number of years building and enhancing research data services and providing liaison services at Washington University in St. Louis in collaboration with colleagues across the institution. Cynthia earned a BA in international studies and communication from Saint Louis University and an MA in information science and learning technologies from the University of Missouri.
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Greg Raschke

Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries, NC State University Libraries

Greg Raschke is the Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at NC State where he leads a system of two main libraries, three branches, and over two-hundred FTE staff. He leads partnerships and strategic efforts in pursuit of its vision – to make the Libraries NC State’s competitive advantage. He served for over a decade as the Associate Director for Collections and Scholarly Communication with the Libraries where he led programs to build, manage, and preserve the Libraries’ extensive general and special collections. Greg served on the leadership team that envisioned, planned, and implemented the award winning James B. Hunt Jr. Library. He has undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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Michael F. Huerta

PhD, Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Associate Director for Strategy, National Library of Medicine, NIH

Dr. Huerta serves as the principal advisor to the Director of NLM regarding development and coordination of data science and open science efforts across NLM, NIH, and beyond, as well as on NLM strategic planning and initiatives. He has led many trans-NIH programs advancing team science, interdisciplinary research, and large-scale, open, data-driven biomedical research and technology initiatives including the NIH Human Connectome Project, the NIH National Database for Autism Research, and the US Human Brain Project, a multiagency effort that developed and established the field of Neuroinformatics. Today, he leads several NIH-wide efforts advancing priorities, policies, and practices to realize the promise of open science and digital biomedicine. Dr. Huerta’s research training was in systems neuroscience; he joined the National Institute of Mental Health at NIH in 1991 and moved to the National Library of Medicine in 2011.