Judy Luther created Informed Strategies to support the development and distribution of market oriented products and services. We work with all stakeholders in scholarly publishing by defining audience requirements, developing new pricing models, identifying distribution channels, supporting negotiations and producing successful outcomes to meet organizational objectives. A sampling of our clients includes: societies (American Chemical Society, American Accounting Association, Academy of Management, International Association of Food Protection), new initiatives (Knowledge Unlatched), professional organizations (NISO), and grant funded efforts (Electronic Enlightenment, Conservation Space). Professionally active, Judy is a past president of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), serves on editorial boards of journals [Against the Grain, The Charleston Advisor and UKSG Insight] and has worked to develop industry initiatives such as NISO’s Best Practice SERU.
Judy Luther created Informed Strategies to support the development and distribution of market oriented products and services. We work with all stakeholders in scholarly publishing by defining audience requirements, developing new pricing models, identifying distribution channels, supporting negotiations and producing successful outcomes to meet organizational objectives. A sampling of our clients includes: societies (American Chemical Society, American Accounting Association, Academy of Management, International Association of Food Protection), new initiatives (Knowledge Unlatched), professional organizations (NISO), and grant funded efforts (Electronic Enlightenment, Conservation Space). Professionally active, Judy is a past president of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), serves on editorial boards of journals [Against the Grain, The Charleston Advisor and UKSG Insight] and has worked to develop industry initiatives such as NISO’s Best Practice SERU.