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Kristin Ratan - Are we there yet? Keeping the promise of open science

This presentation by Kristen Ratan, Founder, Stratos, and Co-founder of ICOR, served as the opening keynote for the two-day NISO Tech Summit "Reflections Upon The Year of Open Science."
54 Videos
NISO Virtual Conferences

These half-day events cover a range of important and timely topics in more depth than our monthly webinars. With expert speakers from across the information community, they include a mix of formats — keynotes, case studies, perspectives, and vision interviews. Recordings are shared immediately with registered participants, and made openly available after two years.
2 Videos
Kristen Ratan

Founder, Stratos | CoFounder, ICOR

Kristen Ratan founded Stratos to synthesize open science efforts into a cohesive movement and to offer pathways to success for open science projects and initiatives. Recently, Kristen also CoFounded a nonprofit initiative, Incentivizing Collaborative Open Research (ICOR), which is a coalition of people and organizations that seek to facilitate and reward open science and collaboration in science.