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The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative - A Global Keynote Presentation with Lucy Montgomery

This presentation served as the Global Keynote during the evening of the NISO 2023 Humanities Roundtable, and was provided by Lucy Montgomery of Curtin University. The event focused on both Open Access of Humanities Monographs, and AI in Generative Content & Authorship, and was held virtually on June 20, 2023.
54 Videos
NISO Virtual Conferences

These half-day events cover a range of important and timely topics in more depth than our monthly webinars. With expert speakers from across the information community, they include a mix of formats — keynotes, case studies, perspectives, and vision interviews. Recordings are shared immediately with registered participants, and made openly available after two years.
1 Video
Lucy Montgomery

Professor of Knowledge Innovation, Curtin University

Lucy Montgomery is Professor of Knowledge Innovation at Curtin University, where she leads the Innovation in Knowledge Communication research program at the Centre for Culture and Technology. Montgomery’s current projects include the Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative, a major strategic research initiative that is bringing together publicly available data about the openness of global research landscapes and lowering barriers to its use; as well as the Mellon Foundation funded Book Analytics Dashboard Project (2022-2025), which is creating a sustainable OA book focussed analytics service that supports diversity in the voices, perspectives, geographies, topics and languages made visible through OA books.   Webpage: