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Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) Stakeholder Video #1 - Joyce Griffin, Wiley

Retracted research—published work that is withdrawn, removed, or otherwise invalidated from the scientific and scholarly record—can be, and often is, inadvertently propagated within the digital scholarly record through citations. In June 2024, the NISO CREC (Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern) Working Group published its Recommended Practice, a community-driven solution that aims to ensure that retraction metadata is effectively shared across the publishing and discovery ecosystem. For the first video in our NISO CREC Stakeholders series, CREC Working Group member, Joyce Griffin, Director of Research Integrity Operations at Wiley discusses the Working Group’s process with NISO’s Executive Director, Todd Carpenter, and how the Recommended Practice can benefit large publishers with complex workflows as they work to address retraction metadata.
27 Videos

Each year, NISO hosts a number of other virtual events, most of which are free and open to all. These include our annual members meeting, updates on NISO standards, online workshops, and more. Recordings are made openly available to the community as soon as possible after the event.
1 Video
Joyce Griffin

Director, Research Integrity Operations, Wiley