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Discussion: Research Data: Describing, Sharing, Protecting, Saving

Standardising and aligning journal and funder data policies 
An increasing number of publishers and journals are implementing policies that require or recommend that published articles be accompanied by the underlying research data. These policies are an important part of the shift toward reproducible research and contribute to the availability of research data for reuse. However there is wide variation between policies that makes it challenging for journal editors to develop and support a data policy, difficult for researchers in understanding and complying, and complex for infrastructure providers and research support staff to assist with data policy compliance.

There is clear benefit in a more standardised approach to policies. This has been the goal of international efforts led by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation Interest Group resulting in the publication - and subsequent adoption - of a research data policy Framework to help journal editors and publishers navigate the creation or enhancement of a research data policy. There are also significant gains to be made in aligning journal and funder data policies with a project underway to address this challenge. This presentation will be given by co-chairs of the RDA Policy Standardisation group.

The Mystery of the Data and Software Citations...Why They Don’t Link to our Papers and Credit their Authors. 
Scientific data and software are being recognized more and more as first-class research products, preserved in appropriate repositories, and cited in papers where they were utilized to provide transparency, support reproducibility, and give credit. Yet the mechanisms that give automated credit and attribution are not being initiated consistently, nor is the ability to link these research products in a machine readable way. Important elements for this to happen include the citation itself and the persistent identifier (e.g., Digital Object Identifier) that is registered to the research object. This session will explain the current processes and examine the issues along with recommendations being proposed to help researchers get automated credit and attribution and support linking across research objects.

89 Videos
NISO Plus 2021


February 22-25, 2021

NISO Plus 2021 was our first virtual conference, held in February of 2021. A global undertaking, NISO Plus 2021 had over 800 participants from 26 countries come together to have a conversation about the state of the information ecosystem. Here you'll find both the presentations and discussions from that event.